
自始 ab initio
讓與權(quán) abalienandi jus
委付 abandon
權(quán)利放棄 abandon a right
全部放棄 abandon absolutely
戒毒 abandon drug habits
改惡從善 abandon evil and do good
放棄上訴 abandon one's appeal
放棄繼承 abandon one's sucession
放棄 abandon
廢棄 abandon
拋棄 abandon
遺棄 abandon
委棄 abandon
舍棄 abandon
中止教唆 abandoned instigation
委棄財產(chǎn) abandoned property
被拋棄的空間物體 abandoned space object
意內(nèi)未遂 abandonment attempt
中止未遂 abandonment attempt
委付條款 abandonment clause
委棄損失 abandonment loss
棄船 abandonment of a ship
所有權(quán)的拋棄 abandonment of ownership
放棄專利權(quán) abandonment of patent
放棄重復(fù)侵害 abandonment of repetition of infringement
教唆中止 abandonment of solicitation
棄市 abandonment of the body in public market after execution
降價 abate price
廢除 abate
減輕 abate
降低 abate
終止訴訟 abatement of action
訴訟費用的減免 abatement of costs
免除刑罰 abatement of criminal punishment
死刑緩期執(zhí)行犯減刑 abatement of punishment for condemned prisoner with a reprieve
減稅 abatement
住持 abbot
縮寫 abbreviation
簡稱 abbreviation
退位 abdicate
退位國家元首 abdicated head of state
訴訟請求的放棄 abdication of claims
拐賣人口 abduct and traffic people
拐賣婦女、兒童 abduct and traffic women and children
拐賣 abduct and traffic
誘拐 abduct
拐騙 abduct
誘拐者 abductor
拐騙犯 abductor
錯誤行為 aberration
煽動 abet
主使 abet
唆使 abet
被教唆的罪 abetted offense
煽動者 abettor
煽動分子 abettor
教唆教唆犯 abettor of another solicitant
教唆犯 abettor
教唆者 abettor
造意犯 abettor
唆使者 abettor
守約 abide by an agreement
安分守己 abide by the law and behave oneself
守法 abide by the law
遵守法律 abide by the law
遵守 abide by
遵 abide by
容忍 abide
支付能力 ability to pay
負稅能力 ability to pay
外匯償付能力 ability to repay in foreign exchange
勞動能力 ability to work
能力 ability
能 ability
課稅的支付能力原則 ability-to-pay principle of taxation
支付能力課稅原理 ability-to-pay principle of taxation
全勞動力 able-bodied farm worker
異常條件 abnormal condition
變態(tài)固著 abnormal fixation
變態(tài)人格 abnormal personality
變態(tài)心理 abnormal psychology