
Land Lord (hereinafter referred to as Party A):
Tenant (hereinafter referred to as Party B):
丙 方:XXXX置業(yè)有限公司
Party C: XXXXProperty Co., Ltd.
Business Certificate No.: XXXXXXXXX
Part A, Part B, and Part C enter into the following tenancy agreement on the basis of equity and free will in accordance with Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China and any other relevant laws, policies and regulations:
第一條 房屋基本情況
Article 1 The Premises
房屋坐落于北京市朝陽區(qū)建外大街4號北京市銀泰中心A座 3303 ,建筑面積241.66 平方米。
The Premises is located at Unit 3303, Tower A, Beijing Yintai Centre, No.4, Jianguomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing. Its gross area is 241.66 Square Meters.
第二條 房屋租賃用途
Article 2 Occupations of The Premises
租賃用途: 居住 ,不得作為辦公或其他用途;居住人數(shù)為: ,最多不超過 人。
The Premises can only be used as a residence, and cannot be used for any other purpose such as office. The number of the residents who live in The Premises will be , and no more than .
第三條 租賃期限
Article 3 Lease Term
(一)房屋租賃期自 2009 年 01 月 21 日至 2010 年 01 月 20 日,共計1年。甲方應(yīng)于 2009 年 01 月 20 日前將房屋按約定條件交付給乙方?!斗课萁桓钋鍐巍罚ㄒ姼郊唬┙?jīng)甲乙雙方交驗簽字蓋章并移交房門鑰匙后視為交付完成。
The lease term of The Premises will be one Year, from January 21st, 2009 to January 20th, 2010. Part A shall deliver The Premises to Part B on January 20th, 2009. The delivery is finished after the Property Detailed List is signed and the room keys are handed over.
乙方繼續(xù)承租的,應(yīng)提前 30 日向甲方提出書面續(xù)租要求,并在同等條件下享有優(yōu)先續(xù)租權(quán)。續(xù)租租金由甲乙雙方另行協(xié)商。
On expiry or termination of The Agreement, Party A shall be entitled to take back The Premises (including all the furniture, fittings and equipment listed in Appendix I)in full, and Party B must return The Premises on the date of expiry or termination. Part A and Part B shall examine The Premises (including all the furniture, fittings and equipment listed in Appendix I) together, and shall pay all the fees as stated in The Agreement.
If Party B wishes to extend the lease, Party B shall have the priority to renew the lease with one month’s advance written notice to Party A. The revised rent fees shall be negotiated between Part A and Part B.
第四條 租金及押金
Article 2 Rent Fees and Deposit
(一)租金標準 55,000 元/月,租金總計:人民幣 陸拾萬 元整(¥: 6,000,000 )。
The rent fee is 55,000 per month, totally RMB 6,000,000.
Part B shall wire transfer to Part A all the rent fees on December 16th, 2008 to the following account.
Part A shall issue an invoice to Part B within 30 days after the rent fees reach his account.
(二)押金:人民幣 拾壹萬 元整 (¥: 110,000 ), 在本合同簽訂之日支付。租賃期滿或合同解除后,房屋租賃押金除抵扣應(yīng)由乙方承擔的費用、租金,以及乙方應(yīng)當承擔的違約賠償責任外,剩余部分應(yīng)如數(shù)于十五日內(nèi)返還給乙方。
The deposit is RMB 110,000, and shall be paid upon signing of The Agreement. Part A shall return the deposit to Part B within 15 days after the expiry or termination of The Agreement under the condition that Party B has paid all the fees, rentals, and other liabilities that shall be borne by Part B under The Agreement.
第五條 其他相關(guān)費用的承擔方式
Article 5 Other Charges
During the period of tenancy, part B shall pay, the telephone bills, and any other charges on services ordered by part B, the extra monthly water, electricity, gas, A/C basic and A/C usage fees that over RMB 3,000 per month. Part B shall keep and show to Part A the relative payment receipts.
While the heating supply charges, the property management fees, the Internet fees, the satellite TV fees, twice a week in-room cleaning service fees, annual club membership fees for two persons, the monthly water, electricity, gas, A/C basic and A/C usage fees with a upper limit of RMB 3,000 and any other fees shall be paid by Part A.
第六條 房屋維護及維修
Article 2 Occupations of The Premises
Part B shall act in accordance with all the laws, policies, regulations, and the Deed of Mutual Covenants of Beijing Yintai Centre.
During the period of lease, Part A and Part B shall maintain and keep The Premises and its furniture, fittings and equipments in good tenantable condition.
1、對于房屋及其附屬物品、設(shè)備設(shè)施因自然屬性或合理使用而導(dǎo)致的損耗,乙方應(yīng)及時通知甲方修復(fù)。甲方應(yīng)在接到乙方通知后的 30 日內(nèi)進行維修。逾期不維修的,乙方可代為維修,費用由甲方承擔。因維修房屋嚴重影響乙方使用的,應(yīng)相應(yīng)減少租金或延長租賃期限。
Party A should repair or remedy any defects therein within 30 days after being notified by Party B, provided all such defects are not as a result of the Party B’s negligent action, omission or misconduct. If Otherwise Party B shall be entitled to repair or remedy the defects, and the costs shall be borne by the Part A. If The Premise is not tenantable during the period of repair or remedy, the rent fees for the period shall be deducted, or the tenancy period shall be extended accordingly.
If there are any defects due to Party B’s negligent action, omission or misconduct, Party B shall be responsible for the repair or remedy of the defects, or shall pay compensation to Part A for the defects.
第七條 轉(zhuǎn)租
Article 2 Sublet
Part B cannot sublet The Premises to any other party without Part A’s prior written approval.
第八條 合同解除
Article 8 Termination Of The Agreement
The Agreement can be terminated if both Part A and Part B agree.
In case of a force majeure that the contract cannot be executed in accordance with the originally stipulated terms, The Agreement shall terminate automatically.
1、遲延交付房屋達 10 日的。
Part B has the right to terminate The Agreement if Part A fail to deliver The Premises to Part B within 10 days after the agreed delivery date.
1、不按照約定支付租金達 10 日的。
Part A has the right to terminate The Agreement and take back The Premise if (1) Part A fail to pay the rental within 10 days after the agreed payment date, or (2) The amount of the overdue fees and charges that shall be paid by Part B exceeds 20% of the deposit, or (3) Part B use The Premises for any purpose other than residential, or (4) Part B make any structural additions or alterations to the Premises without the prior written consent of Part A, or (5) Part B refused to be responsible for the defects due to his negligent action, omission or misconduct, or (6) Part B sublets The Premises to any third party without prior written consent of Part A.
第九條 違約責任
Article 9 Breach Of The Agreement
(一)甲方有第八條第三款約定的情形之一的,應(yīng)按月租金的 50 %向乙方支付違約金;乙方有第八條第四款約定的情形之一的,應(yīng)按月租金的 50 %向甲方支付違約金,甲方并可要求乙方將房屋恢復(fù)原狀或賠償相應(yīng)損失。
If the situation stated in Paragraph 3, Article 8 comes true, Part A shall pay to Part B 50% of one month rent fee as penalty. If one of the situations stated in Paragraph 4, Article 8 comes true, Part B shall pay to Part A 50% of one month rent fee as penalty.
甲方需提前收回房屋的,應(yīng)提前 30 日通知對方,并按月租金的100%向?qū)Ψ街Ц哆`約金;
乙方需提前退租的,應(yīng)提前 30 日通知對方,并按月租金的100%向?qū)Ψ街Ц哆`約金并賠償甲方的稅費損失以及因解除凱悅物業(yè)收費服務(wù)合同的損失以及甲方因替乙方購買會員會籍所受損失(購買會員會籍損失按會員總額×剩余租期/總租期計算);
During the period of lease, if Part A want to take back The Premises, he shall notify Part B 30 days in advance, and shall pay one month rent fees as penalty.
During the period of lease, if Part B wants to cancel the lease, they shall notify Part A 30 days in advance, and shall pay one month rent fee as penalty, and shall compensate Part A’s taxes and fees losses and other losses due to the termination of the service contract with Hyatt International Property Management Company and the club membership agreement with Park Hyatt Beijing.
Part A shall be responsible for any personal injury and property losses because of Part A fail to repair or remedy the defects as agreed.
(四)甲方未按約定時間交付房屋或者乙方不按約定支付租金但未達到解除合同條件的,以及乙方未按約定時間返還房屋的,應(yīng)按 日租金 標準支付違約金。
If the delivery of The Premises is delayed, but the number of days overdue is within 10 days, Part A shall pay 1/30 of one month rent fee each day for the days of overdue as penalty.
If the payment of the rent fees is delayed, but the number of days overdue is within 10 days, or if Part B does not return The Premises on the agreed date, Part B shall 1/30 of one-month rent fee each day for the days of overdue as penalty.
第十條 合同爭議的解決辦法
Article 2 Dispute Resolution
If a dispute occurs during the execution of the Agreement, the attorneys of each party shall resolve the dispute through negotiations. If negotiations fail, the dispute shall be resolved through filing an accusation to People's Court according to the Law.
第十一條 丙方
Article 2 Part C
(一)鑒于甲方曾與丙方簽訂《委托協(xié)議》,委托丙方代其出租上述房屋,本租賃合同的簽訂即丙方履行《委托協(xié)議》義務(wù)的結(jié)果,甲方同意在本合同簽訂之當天,按《委托協(xié)議》約定向丙方支付代理費人民幣(大寫) 伍萬伍仟元整(¥:55,000)作為報酬。若甲乙雙方在本租賃合同期限屆滿后續(xù)簽合同的,則甲方應(yīng)按《委托協(xié)議》中第四條第三款的約定再次向丙方支付費用。支付方式:□現(xiàn)金/□轉(zhuǎn)帳支票/□銀行匯款。
As stated in the Agency Agreement signed by Part A and Part C, Part A authorizes Part C to be as his sole agent for The Premises’ leasing. The signing of The Agreement is a result of Part C’ efforts, so Part A shall pay to Part C RMB 55,000 as rewards within 3 days after The Agreement is signed. If The Agreement is renewed by Part A and Part B, Part A shall pay commission to Part C according to Paragraph 3, Article 4 of The Agency Agreement.
Article 12
本合同經(jīng)三方簽字蓋章后生效。本合同(及附件)一式 叁 份,其中甲方執(zhí) 壹 份,乙方執(zhí) 壹 份,丙方執(zhí) 壹 份。當兩種文本發(fā)生歧義時,以中文文本為準。
The Agreement becomes effective once the three parties sign it. Each Party will get one copy of the Agreement. In case of discrepancy, the Chinese text shall prevail.
For further matters, the three parties may enter into supplementary agreements. All modifications to the Agreement shall be done in writing. The appendices of the Agreement have the same legal effect as the Agreement.
出租人(甲方): 承租人(乙方): 丙方:
Part A: Part B: Part C:
日期/Date: 日期/ Date: 日期/Date:
房 屋 交 割 清 單(01.03戶)
具 |
門廳 Corridor |
鞋柜/Shoe stack |
1個 |
書桌組合/Desk set |
1套 | ||
書椅/Desk chair |
2把 | ||
起居室 Living Room |
沙發(fā)組合 / Sofa |
1套 | |
椅子/Chair |
2把 | ||
電視柜/ TV Cabinet |
1個 | ||
茶幾組合 / Coffee Table |
1套 | ||
邊桌/End table |
2張 | ||
餐廳 Dinning-Room |
餐椅/ Dining Chairs |
1張 | |
餐桌/ Dining Tabl |
6把 | ||
臥室 Master Bedroom |
貴妃椅/Chair |
1把 | |
書椅/Desk chair |
1把 | ||
床及床頭柜/ Bed Bedside Table |
1套 | ||
床墊/ Mattress |
1張 | ||
書桌/ Table |
1張 | ||
邊幾/End counter |
1張 | ||
次臥室 Guest Bedroom |
床及床頭柜/ Bed & Bedside Table |
2套,單人 | |
床墊/ Mattress |
2張 | ||
休閑椅/Leisure Chair |
1把 | ||
書椅/Desk chair |
1張 | ||
邊幾/End counter |
1把 | ||
電 |
廚 房 |
灶具/Stove |
1件,品牌為MIELE |
抽油煙機/ Cooker Hood |
1件,品牌為MIELE | ||
蒸爐/Steamer |
1件,品牌為MIELE | ||
洗碗機/ Dishwasher |
1件,品牌為MIELE | ||
冰箱/Refrigerator |
1件,品牌為MIELE | ||
烤箱/ Oven |
1件,品牌為MIELE | ||
洗 衣 房 Laundry Room |
洗衣機/Washing Machine |
1件,品牌為MIELE | |
干衣機/Tumble Dryer |
1件,品牌為MIELE | ||
其 他Others |
| ||
其 他
Others |
交房確認 |
乙方經(jīng)驗收,認為符合房屋交驗條件。甲乙雙方確認房屋于 年 月 日完成交接。
Part B has checked The Premises, and confirms that The Premises meets with the conditions stated in The Agreement. Both Part A and Part B confirm that The Premises has been delivered to Part B on .
| |
Part A: |
Part B: | |
退房確認 |
甲乙雙方已對房屋進行了驗收。雙方確認退房手續(xù)已于 年 月 日完成。
Part A and Part B have checked The Premises together, and confirmed that The Premises is returned back to Part A on .
| |
Part A: |
Part B: |